Alcohol and Other Drug Use

Resources for Educators

Alanon: Homepage -Alanon is the AA resource for adults who have been impacted by the drinking of someone else.

Alateen: Homepage -Alateen is the AA resource for youth ages 13-18 who have been impacted by the drinking of someone else.

Alcoholics Anonymous: Homepage -Participant-led meetings for those experiencing addiction to alcohol.

Ask, Listen, Learn: Kids and Alcohol Don’t Mix -Resources and lesson plans for teachers focusing on decreasing alcohol use and prevention with students. There are also self-guided portions for parents and students to become more educated on the impacts of alcohol on adolescents.

California Department of Public Health: Rethink Your Drink -This website includes information about what is in the things that we drink and how to make educated decisions on what beverages to consume.

CA Health Education Framework Course – Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs/ Personal & Community Health: Education for Educators -A continuing education course for school health educators providing guidance on a health education curriculum framework.

Cairn Guidance: The Opioid Crisis and the Role of Health Education and Physical Education -Writers at Cairn Guidance blog about the connection between the opioid crisis and physical activity for students. They believe educators are on the front lines in this epidemic and provide resources to best support teachers.

Cannabis Awareness and Prevention Toolkit: From Teachers to Students -A resource for teachers and parents to address cannabis use with their teens and ways to prevent it.

The Dangers of Underage Drinking: My Instead Movie -A short YouTube movie about the dangers of underage drinking. There is an interactive component

 involved that is not included in this YouTube short.

Drug Policy Alliance: Safety First: Real Drug Education for Teens -DPA gives clear information for teens about drugs, what they’re about, and what happens when they are used.

Narcotics Anonymous: Homepage -Participant-led meetings for those experiencing addiction to drugs.

National Institute on Drug Abuse for Teens: Information for Parents and Educators -A website designed for teenagers describing the effects of drugs on the body.

RMC Health: Substance Use -RMC Health’s guide on Substance Use within schools and how it can be treated and prevented.

SMART Recovery: Homepage -Local meeting finder for support groups for substance abuse.

Stanford University Resources Include:

Cannabis/Marijuana Awareness Toolkit -This toolkit was built for educators and parents alike to prevent marijuana use with high school and middle school students.

Safety First -Built for high schoolers, this curriculum is designed to teach students how to say “no” to drugs, especially those who are in high-drug trafficked areas.

Smart Talk: Cannabis Awareness Curriculum -This is the curriculum associated with the Cannabis Toolkit built to be used for high school middle school, and elementary students. The research-based lesson-plan includes teaching materials, online quizzes, games, and worksheets.

ZeroProof: Underage Drinking Prevention -A resource for youth regarding alcohol-use prevention and the dangers associated with underage drinking.