Resources for Educators
Advocates for Youth: Image Overload -3R’s or Advocates for Youth downloadable resource for youth identifying media’s impact on self-esteem and body image. This website was designed and written for middle schoolers to navigate.
Annie Leonard: The Story of Stuff -A book and website that explains the ways that pollution and plastic consumption are linked to poverty and the notion of “obesity”.
Association for Size Diversity and Health: Poodle Science -A powerful YouTube video describing how there are limitations currently within the field of research on weight and health.
Aubrey Gordon: “You Just Need to Lose Weight” and 19 other myths about fat people -A book describing the anti-fat society we live in and debunking the myths surrounding fatness and health.
Axe: Generation Unlabeled -Axe, out of Dove, created lessons challenging kids to think differently about bodies and self-esteem for educators to use during class. This is targeted towards AMAB youth and boys.
Caitlin O’Connor: #DitchingDietCultureatSchool -Resources for teachers and others about changing the idea of a healthy body within schools. This was put together to promote “body liberation”.
Lori Reichel & Dr. Irene Cucina: Body Image and Loving Oneself -Lori Reichel and Irene Cucina talk about the importance of addressing self-love and body comparison.
Maria Godoy: How Body Positivity Can Lead to Better Health -An article and radio interview about the problems with associating weight with health and how that can be combated within Western culture.
Oona Hanson & Charlotte Markey: Parents Need to Know: Misguided Nutrition Assignments Put Kids at Risk -An article describing the destructive nature of some nutrition assignments within schools, and how food anxiety can lead to worse mental health for students.
Recovery Warriors: Eating disorder recovery Podcast -An online podcast and resource on eating disorder recovery.
Sabrina Strings: Fearing the Black Body: The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia -A highly detailed book about the origins of fat phobia and how the myth of fatness being unhealthy was established.
Sonya Renee Taylor: The Body is Not an Apology -A book and website describing the relationship between fatness and societal constraints, and how to debunk the fatphobic myths within your personal life.
Virginia Sole-Smith: Book Research Roundup: Fatphobia During Puberty -A blog and book recommendation list written by Virginia Sole-Smith to assist educators in continuing to understand health education updates.