Resources for Educators
RMC Health: Interpersonal Communication -RMC Health’s framework for the health standard Interpersonal Communication, highlighting tools for teaching communication techniques, boundary setting/refusal skills, conflict resolution and collaboration.
Advocates for Youth Resources Include:
Being Smart, Staying Safe Online -3R’s or Advocates for Youth’s lesson plan on Staying Safe Online, describing for students how to safely and smartly communicate online and through messaging. Made for grade 7.
Communicating About A Sensitive Topic -3R’s or Advocates for Youth’s lesson plan on Communicating about a Sensitive Topic, with an added portion on how to communicate that they don’t want to have sex. This can be used in lesson plans that work with abstinence. Made for grade 6.
Different Kinds of Families -3R’s or Advocates for Youth lesson plan on Different Kinds of Families, teaching about different family structures and how students can show respect for different types. Made for kindergarten.
How Well Do I Communicate With Others? -3R’s or Advocates for Youth lesson plan on How Well Do I Communicate With Others, describing effective communication and how to communicate their needs with a partner during a sexual encounter. Made for grade 9.
If You Don’t Have Consent, You Don’t Have Consent! -3R’s or Advocates for Youth lesson plan on consent, highlighting the importance of body individuality and personal boundaries. Made for grade 3.
K-12 Sexuality Curriculum -A K-12 sex education with a focus on inclusive and respectful curriculum outlines.
Lesson 6: Talking Without Speaking: The Role of Texting Within Relationships -3R’s or Advocates for Youth lesson on texting within relationships, teaching about how texting can be interpreted differently and the importance of communicating effectively. Made for middle schoolers. This link leads to a download page.
Common Sense Education: Digital Citizenship -This includes lesson plans for health educators regarding “digital citizenship” or healthy online behavior for youth.
Empowering Education: I Statements for Kids -This teaches about the importance of “I Statements” for kids and includes a paid lesson plan for teaching students. It focuses on talking with kids about feelings, calling on CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) and REBT (Rational-Emotive Behavioral Therapy) techniques to separate feelings from thoughts and behaviors.
Love is Respect: Everyone Deserves A Healthy Relationship
-Love is Respect shares information catered to teens regarding relationship boundaries and healthy relationship dynamics.
National Geographic: COVID-19 Education -NG created resources for instructors and parents to teach them about COVID-19.
Psych Central: Breaking Up with a Friend: How to End a Friendship That’s No Longer Healthy or Fulfilling -A website catered to teens about what is important in friendships and how to remove yourself from a friendship.
Stomp Out Bullying: Homepage -An anti-bullying resource geared towards cyberbullying prevention and support.
Watson Institute: Social Skills to Read Body Language -The Watson Institute describes body language markers and reading skills including resource materials for instructors on teaching the skills.