Decision Making (NHES 5)

Resources for Educators

California Department of Public Health: Rethink Your Drink -This website includes information about what is in the things that we drink and how to make educated decisions on what beverages to consume.

RMC Health: Decision-Making -RMC Health’s framework for the health standard Decision-Making, with resources separated by age group and detailed lesson plans for instructors.

The Breakfast Project: Connecting Students to Food -A food education program teaching students about the connection between food and their bodies, originating in the state of California.

The Dangers of Underage Drinking: My Instead Movie -A short YouTube movie about the dangers of underage drinking. There is an interactive component involved that is not included in this YouTube short.

ZeroProof: Underage Drinking Prevention -A resource for youth regarding alcohol-use prevention and the dangers associated with underage drinking.