General WSCC Resources

Resources for Educators

ASCD Resources Include: 

Whole Child Framework -This resource describes and outlines the Whole Child Framework, including descriptions of the Five Tenets and other resources.

Whole Child School Improvement Tool -An interactive resource, this link is a guide and template for improving and/or applying the WSCC Model within a school environment.

CDC: School Health Index -A CDC created online assessment tool titled the School Health Index Self-Assessment and Planning Guide was created for schools to assess their school health programs.

Health Equity Works: The Healthy Schools Toolkit -This comprehensive guide describes how to create a healthy school and develop a healthy schools program. This guide is most easily accessed from a computer.

Kentucky Department of Education: Implementation of the WSCC Toolkit -The Kentucky Department of Education developed a comprehensive guide on how to implement the WSCC Framework within their public school system. It is a wonderful example of how the model can be accessed and implemented.