Resources for Educators
Anxiety Canada: Anxiety in Youth -A YouTube video and written information regarding anxiety and how it presents, created for youth.
Erika’s Lighthouse: Student Mental Health -Mental health programs for schools including guides and detailed instructions.
National Alliance on Mental Illness: NAMI -A grassroots organization designed for Americans to have access to information regarding mental health conditions and connection with others.
NHS Inform: Social Anxiety Self-Help Tools -An online guide for sufferers of anxiety with the ability to work through the website directly.
San Marino High School: Mental Health Resources & the Wellness Wheel -San Marino High School’s resource page for student mental health, including the Wellness Wheel, 10 Things Students Can Do to Boost Their Mental Health, and additional resources. This page is made for high schoolers but the tools it provides can be used with all ages.
TedTalk: Kelly McGonigal: How to Make Stress Your Friend -Kelly McGonigal describes how to use stress as a tool by reaching out to others.