The “Counseling in Schools” Resource with Mr. Kevin Dahill-Fuchel

In this episode, Mr. Kevin Dahill-Fuchel shares information about the New York City resource “Counseling in Schools.” Discussed is the need for students to be mentally prepared to learn, as well as to feel they belong. Other concepts shared include the importance of connecting with school resources (ex. counselors, social workers) and the challenges of chronic absenteeism, as well as the resources found on the Counseling in Schools website.

You can connect with Mr. Kevin Dahill-Fuchel by going to the website

To contact Lori, email her at or check out her websites at: and

Remember you can watch this episode on the School Health Educators YouTube Channel.


Need some inspiration? Listen to a School Health Educators’ episode!

With the beginning of a new school year (for most of us) approaching consider listening to an episode or two of the School Health Educators podcast! Past episodes include how to create positive connections with students, skill-based health education, and the variety of resources health educators can utilize.

Watch this episode on the School Health Educators YouTube channel here.

Contact Lori Reichel by emailing her at or check out her websites at: and .


Connections Before Content

How do you begin your first day of health education class? And how do you check in with students throughout the school year? Listen to this episode in which Melanie Sjoblom shares how she connects with students. Melanie also shares information about the resource Edtomorrow.

You can connect with Ms. Melanie Sjoblom by emailing her at:

Remember to watch this episode on the School Health Educator’s YouTube channel at:

Contact Lori Reichel by emailing her at or check out her websites at: and Also, check out her products at this link:

Getting to the Heart of Education

To help prepare for another school year let’s be reminded of how to get to the Heart of Education! Guest Dr. Stephen Sroka joins Lori on the School Health Education Podcast to explain how to do this. One huge aspect Steve notes is to ensure trusted relationships with students are formed which includes the 4 C’s: communication, collaboration, culture, and caring. Other additional points are shared and include the 7 lessons students taught Steve.

To connect with Dr. Sroka, email him at or go to his website at:

Remember to watch this episode on the School Health Educator’s YouTube channel at:

Contact Lori Reichel by emailing her at or check out her websites at: and Also, check out her products at this link: