WSCC Counseling, Psychological and Social Services

Resources for Educators

Counseling, Psychological and Social Services

School social workers, guidance counselors, school administration, teachers, other staff

American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry: Homepage -A member based site, the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry focuses on supporting mental health professionals as they work with children including continuing education, certifications, and family/youth support.

American School Counselors Association: Homepage -The American School Counselors Association is a school counselor networking group that connects counselors, as well as provides materials and education.

Center for School Mental Health Resources Include: 

Homepage -The University of Maryland hosts the National Center for School of Mental Health, which has the goal of improving learning and promoting success for students. They provide mental health services and community connection.

An Overview -This document describes the importance of including mental health care within schools and why it’s necessary to develop detailed programs for students.

Colorado Department of Education: WSCC Counseling, Psychological, and Social Services -The Colorado Department of Education put together a resource list to increase access for mental health care within schools.,community%20support%20services%20as%20needed

Erika’s Lighthouse: Integrating Mental Health -Erika’s Lighthouse works to integrate mental health care within the entirety of a school, and in this article focuses on integrating it within the WSCC Model.

National Association of School Psychologists: Homepage -This organization was made to support school psychologists within the United States and internationally. It provides educational resources and professional development.

National Association of Social Workers: Homepage -This membership organization is committed to providing social workers with support and development opportunities. Members can be occupied by any organization or school.