WSCC Health Services

Resources for Educators

Health Services

Nursing staff, school administration, teachers, other staff

American Academy of Pediatrics: Children’s Oral Health -This guide includes resources for educators and parents to ensure that every caution possible is being taken to increase oral health for kids.

ASCD: Aligning Health and Education in Today’s Economic Context -With poverty increasing within the United States, it’s essential that health educators know the impact that it may have on students. This article outlines what can be done to assist those who don’t have access to standard “healthy” options in life and other ways they can be supported.’s-Economic-Context.aspx

Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors: WSCC: Integrating Oral Health with a Best Practice Approach -The oral health integration portion of the WSCC Model, written by oral health experts for schools.

Attendance Works: Homepage -A website designated to increasing school attendance, this resource outlines the importance of school attendance and how schools can increase this for kids.

CDC Resources Include: 

Children Obesity Facts -To increase child obesity awareness, this includes the prevalence of obesity within schools and how it can be addressed.

Food Allergies in Schools Toolkit -It’s essential that food allergens are addressed within schools, so the CDC created a resource list on how to manage food allergies and how school administrators can create a food environment accessible to all.

Health and Academics -This overall guide for health and academics lists resources for instructors on various ways to increase health within their schools including physical activity and sedentary behaviors, and alcohol use.

Integrating School Health Services Across the WSCC Framework -This short infographic briefly describes how to include the WSCC Framework within schools.

Research Brief: Chronic Health Conditions and Academic Achievement -Chronic disease can easily impact students’ learning opportunities, so this guide briefly describes a variety of conditions and how that affects their educational behavior.

Kaiser Permanente: Thriving Schools -Kaiser Permanente’s guide on thriving healthy schools and how to bring all of the dimensions of health into the school environment.

National Association of School Nurses: Homepage -The National Association of School Nurses is a member-based website for school nurses to access support and continuing education.

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute: Defibrillators -Defibrillators are an essential life-saving tool that educators and other staff must be instructed in how to use in the case of an emergency. This link provides information about defibrillators and links to training.

National Institutes of Health: Managing Asthma: A Guide for Schools -As many children are diagnosed with asthma, it’s essential that schools are doing all they can to promote a low-risk environment. This PDF describes how staff can support asthmatic students and how to create an asthma-friendly school.

School-Based Health Alliance: School Based Health Centers -To ensure students are given the healthiest school environments, this alliance provides resources and education on how to establish that.