A Few More Resources for Health Educators (Part 2)

In this episode Debbie Yelle returns to discuss more resources she recommends to health education teachers. These resources include KidsHealth, Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, and Health Smart VA. Below are links for these resources. To watch this episode as a video, go to the School Health Educators’ YouTube Channel.

Kids Health (Nemours Teens Health) or https://kidshealth.org/en/teens/

Olweus Bullying Prevention Program or https://clemsonolweus.org/index.php

Health Smart VA or https://healthsmartva.org/search?tag[]=8&tag[]=9&tag[]=19

Social media links to connect with Debbie Yelle include: LinkedIn= Debbie Yelle; Facebook= Yellepositiveliving or Debbie Yelle; Instagram= yellepositiveliving or Debbie.Yelle; TikTok= Debbieyelle

Contact Lori Reichel by emailing her at schoolhealtheducators@gmail.com or check out her websites at: www.schoolhealtheducators.org and www.lorireichel.com. Also, check out her products at this link: https://www.lorireichel.com/books-cards/