Analyzing Influences (NHES 4) with Judy LoBianco

Want to learn more about the skill of analyzing influences (the 2nd National Health Education Standard)? Then listen to this episode in which Lori shares a previously released discussion from her Puberty Prof Podcast. On this recording, Judy LoBianco shares her thoughts on the importance of analyzing influences. An experienced Health and Physical Educator/Administrator, Judy explains what this skill set is about as well as how caregivers need to be positive influences.

Note: This episode was previously heard on the Puberty Prof Podcast. Click here for the full list of this podcast’s episodes including links.

Judy LoBianco is the President of HPE Solutions and a Past President of SHAPE America. She spent most of her career as a Supervisor of Health and PE. She’s presented countless keynotes and workshops and has been recognized at the state and national levels. You can reach Judy @email address: or follow her on Twitter at @jlobianc

For more information on this skill set, refer to the National Health Education Standard #2 by going to the Centers for Disease and Control for Prevention here:

Contact Lori Reichel by emailing her at or check out her websites at: and Also, check out her products at this link

A Few More Resources for Health Educators (Part 2)

In this episode Debbie Yelle returns to discuss more resources she recommends to health education teachers. These resources include KidsHealth, Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, and Health Smart VA. Below are links for these resources. To watch this episode as a video, go to the School Health Educators’ YouTube Channel.

Kids Health (Nemours Teens Health) or

Olweus Bullying Prevention Program or

Health Smart VA or[]=8&tag[]=9&tag[]=19

Social media links to connect with Debbie Yelle include: LinkedIn= Debbie Yelle; Facebook= Yellepositiveliving or Debbie Yelle; Instagram= yellepositiveliving or Debbie.Yelle; TikTok= Debbieyelle

Contact Lori Reichel by emailing her at or check out her websites at: and Also, check out her products at this link:

A Few Resources for Health Educators (Part 1) with Debbie Yelle

Many resources exist for school health teachers to refer to for updated functional health information. In this episode Debbie Yelle talks about some of her favorite resources, including the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the Environmental Working Group (including EWG Skin Deep), OneLove, and LoveisRespect. To watch this episode on Lori’s YouTube Channel, click here.

Links for these resources include:

Social media links to connect with Debbie Yelle include: LinkedIn= Debbie Yelle; Facebook= Yellepositiveliving or Debbie Yelle; Instagram= yellepositiveliving or Debbie.Yelle; TikTok= Debbieyelle

Contact Lori Reichel by emailing her at or check out her websites at: and Also, check out her products at this link:

What Would You Do? Part 2: Talking about Personal Ethics with Aaron Coleman

Often times people may think that what happens within their personal lives cannot impact their professional lives. Within this episode, Aaron Coleman returns to discuss potential personal situations that can impact Health and/or Physical Education Teachers. Aaron Coleman is the Athletic Director and Founding Physical Education & Health Teacher at Unity Preparatory Charter School of Brooklyn.

To watch this episode as a video, go to the School Health Educator’s Podcast Channel here.

Feel free to contact Aaron Coleman at

Contact Lori by emailing her at or check out her websites at: and Also, check out her products at this link:

What Would You Do? Part 1: Talking about Professional Ethics with Aaron Coleman

Professional ethics are needed for tricky situations that occur within our jobs. In this episode Aaron Coleman, Athletic Director and Founding Physical Education & Health Teacher at Unity Preparatory Charter School of Brooklyn, discusses with your host, Lori Reichel, actual situations requiring ethical decision making.

To watch this episode as a video, go to the School Health Educator’s Podcast Channel here.

Feel free to contact Aaron Coleman at

Contact Lori by emailing her at or check out her websites at: and Also, check out her products at this link:

National Standard #7 and the Unit Lori’s Grad Students Created

In this episode, Jessica Butts, the guest from the previous episode who discussed her “Balancing Your SELFIE” unit, returns to review the unit Lori’s Graduate-level students created. Jessica Butts is a strongly skill-based health middle school educator and NYS Middle School Health Teacher of the Year for 2022/21.

To watch this episode on the School Health Educator’s YouTube Channel, click here.

Want to be a guest on the School Health Educators podcast? If yes, contact Lori by emailing her at or check out her websites at: and Also, check out her products at this link:

Summer 2024 Health Education Events!

Exciting summer Health Education events are happening! Listen to the mini-episode with Lori Reichel (National TOY 2010) and Andy Milne (National TOY 2017) to hear what they are! For more event details, visit Andy’s blog at #SLOWCHATHEALTH. Or connect with Lori via email at

#HealthEducation #SummerEvents

Balancing Your SELFIE – One Example of Teaching National Standard #7 with Jessica Butts

The 7th National Health Education Standard focuses on a variety of healthy habits young people can learn and practice. In this episode, Jessica Butts, a strongly skill-based health middle school educator and NYS Middle School Health Teacher of the Year for 2022/21, discusses her unit titled “Balance Your SELFIE.”

To watch this episode on the School Health Educator’s YouTube Channel, click here.

Want to be a guest on the School Health Educators podcast? If yes, please sign up to meet with Lori here. Please note your idea in the message area, as well as your professional background.

Or contact Lori by emailing her at or check out her websites at: and Also, check out her products at this link:

Making Students THINK with Diana Laufenberg

Do you have trouble challenging your students and/or experience classroom management issues? Sometimes these things occur because we teach too “simply,” lecturing our students about what to do and think. Therefore today’s episode focuses on higher- level thinking in the classroom setting, as well as allowing students to make “mistakes” in our classroom. The guest, Diana Laufenberg, is an expert in helping young people think deeper and more purposefully. Diana is the speaker on the TedTalk titled “How to learn- from mistakes” as well as the person behind Inquiry Schools.

Contact Diana Laufenberg at

To watch this episode on the School Health Educator’s YouTube Channel, click here.

Contact Lori Reichel by emailing her at or check out her websites at: and Also, check out her products at this link:

The School Health Educators’ Web-site

Need a place to get more resources to strengthen your classroom teaching? Then check out the School Health Educators web-site! In this episode the two creators of this web-site, Lori Reichel and Catriona Lennstrom, discuss the tools found on this site.

Remember- this site is a work in progress. We need your help to make it better and better! Therefore, please send us additional information on the valuable resources you use by emailing us at

Contact Lori Reichel by emailing her at or check out her websites at: and Also, check out her products at this link:

This podcast episode can also be watched on the School Health Educators YouTube Channel.