Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays! Lori wishes you a wonderful holiday season and a Happy and Healthy 2025! She also reviews the resources shared this past year (2024) on the School Health Educators Podcast. Click here for a list of all of the 2024 Episodes.

Remember you can contact Lori Reichel by emailing her at schoolhealtheducators@gmail.com or check out her websites at: www.schoolhealtheducators.org and www.lorireichel.com. Also, check out her products at this link: https://www.lorireichel.com/books-cards/

Also, remember episodes can be watched on the School Health Educators YouTube Channel.

THE FUSED Toolbox Website (Part 2)

In this episode, Drs. Kristen Ford and Julie Knutson share an overview of THE FUSED Toolbox website. Pages include “What is FUSED?,” the SPA Tools, THE Pedagogy Tools, Fused Trainings, and Meet the Authors.

To connect with both Drs. Julie Knutson and Kristen Ford email them at: fusedhealthed@gmail.com

To check out their website, go to: https://sites.google.com/view/thefusedtoolbox?usp=sharing

To watch this episode on the YouTube Channel click here.

Contact Lori by emailing her at schoolhealtheducators@gmail.com or check out her websites at:  www.schoolhealtheducators.org and www.lorireichel.com. Also, check out her products at this linkhttps://www.lorireichel.com/books-cards/

The People Behind THE FUSED Toolbox (Part 1)

Are you teaching skills-based health ed?  Are you sure? To double-check, listen in to this episode to hear about the wonderful tools Drs. Julie Knutson and Kristen Ford have created for health educators!

To watch this episode on YouTube, click here.

To connect with both Drs. Julie Knutson and Kristen Ford email them at: fusedhealthed@gmail.com

To check out their website, go to: https://sites.google.com/view/thefusedtoolbox?usp=sharing

Contact the School Health Educators host, Lori Reichel, by emailing her at schoolhealtheducators@gmail.com or check out her websites at:  www.schoolhealtheducators.org and www.lorireichel.com. Also, check out her products at this linkhttps://www.lorireichel.com/books-cards/


Teaching Analyzing Influences to Middle School Students with Kevin Mason

Embracing skill-based teaching requires a shift in thinking and planning. In this episode Kevin Mason shares information from the Analyzing Influences Unit he taught to his middle school health education students.

To watch this episode on YouTube, please go to the School Health Educators’ Podcast Channel.

To get in touch with Kevin, email him at: kpmason814@gmail.com  or connect with him through “X” @ MrMasonHealth.

Contact Lori Reichel by emailing her at schoolhealtheducators@gmail.com or check out her websites at: www.schoolhealtheducators.org and www.lorireichel.com. Also, check out her products at this link: https://www.lorireichel.com/books-cards/

A Conversation with One Middle School Health Educator, Mr. Kevin Mason

Kevin Mason is in his 3rd year of teaching middle school health education in the Mid-West. In this episode he shares his background and how he started teaching skill-based health ed. Kevin also shares how he helps students think instead of simply being given information. To watch this episode, check out the School Health Educator’s YouTube Channel.

To get in touch with Kevin, email him at: kpmason814@gmail.com  or connect with him through “X” @ MrMasonHealth.

Contact Lori Reichel by emailing her at schoolhealtheducators@gmail.com or check out her websites at: www.schoolhealtheducators.org and www.lorireichel.com. Also, check out her products at this link: https://www.lorireichel.com/books-cards/